Virginia residents may certainly appreciate the three-day weekend Labor Day brings. And, for many, Labor Day is a time to celebrate the end of summer before ushering in the fall season. Whether a person is spending Labor Day at a party, or whether they are simply relaxing in their home, like any other holiday people across Virginia will have a drink or two on Labor Day.
However, those who are drinking need to take care before getting behind the wheel of a car. This is because, if they drive while intoxicated, they could be pulled over by police and charged with drunk driving. This is highly undesirable, as there are serious penalties for drunk driving.
In Virginia, if a person is convicted of DUI, if it is his or her first offense, he or she will be fined at least $250. Moreover, if the person’s blood alcohol concentration is between 0.15 and 0.20, he or she will spend at least five days in jail. And, if the person’s blood alcohol concentration is above 0.20, he or she will spend at least 10 days in jail.
If it is a person’s second DUI offense within five years, the stakes are raised. In this situation, a person will be fined at least $500 and will spend between one month to one year in jail. In addition, if it is a person’s second DUI offense within five to 10 years, then he or she will be fined at least $500 and will spend at least one month in jail. When it comes to a second offense, if the person’s blood alcohol concentration is between 0.15 and 0.20, he or she will be sentenced to further jail time. If it is a person’s second offense and his or her blood alcohol concentration is over 0.20, then he or she will be sentenced to further jail time and face a higher fine.
As this shows, being convicted of drunk driving can have a serious impact on a person’s life. Therefore, those in Virginia who are being accused of driving while intoxicated should make sure to wage a strong defense, with the help of a criminal defense attorney, in order to protect their reputations and their future.