Going through a divorce is a big change, not just for the spouses involved, but for their children as well. Most Virginia parents want to see that their children grow up in as optimal an environment as possible. Therefore, they need to recognize that, barring extreme circumstances, their children should be allowed to spend time with each parent, even after a divorce, so that the children can have a meaningful relationship with each parent.
Therefore, even if there is animosity between a child’s parents post-divorce, parents will need to put these feelings aside and work as a team to raise their child. When it comes to child custody decisions, the court will use the standard of the “best interests of the child,” when determining who should have custody and when. The court may also take into account the child’s preference as to where he or she will live, along with the child’s progress in school and other developmental issues.
At our law firm, we understand how important it is for parents to maintain a strong bond with their child post-divorce. With over four decades of experience in child custody and visitation matters and other family law issues. We make a point to ensure that our client’s interests are protected. We believe each case is unique and provide our clients with the personal assistance they need to resolve their divorce and family law issues.
Child custody and visitation decisions can affect children and their parents for many years after a divorce. Therefore, it is important to reach a resolution that is fair to both parents and, most importantly, serves the child’s best interests. Our webpage on child custody and parenting plans can provide readers with more information on this important topic.