College tuition costs are a substantial expense which continue to escalate. But estate planning can help address these expenses. There are options that can pay for higher education besides writing checks when tuition becomes due. There are two options that help pay...
Estate Planning
Should you leave your children an equal inheritance?
Estate planning in itself is a morbid chore but is especially complicated when you have multiple heirs to consider. You don’t want to send the message that you favor one child over the other, but dividing things equally isn’t always regarded as fair. Money can bring...
Why is it important to revise your will?
Once you’ve drafted your will, you may put it aside without giving it second thought. Yet, as life changes, it cannot remain untouched. To protect your estate, it’s important to update your will as needed while you’re living. When you need to update your will Not...
Estate planning options to minimize tax liabilities
Virginia residents who have amassed significant wealth often want to save their assets in order to pass them on to their loved ones and future generations to come. However, estate taxes may inhibit some people's plans, and some options may help people minimize their...
Why accurate, up-to-date estate plans are important
When Virginia residents think about the future, they may want to make plans for how their assets will be distributed after they pass away. By preparing a will or creating a trust, people can plan to leave their property to their loved ones. If people do not have a...
Using trusts to protect assets in an estate plan
Virginia residents may want to consider using trust protectors as part of their estate planning. Trust protectors can take over a trust if it is in peril from lawsuits, creditors or a soon-to-be-ex-spouse. In general, creating a trust is a good way to protect...
What does a successor trustee do?
Trusts have become a popular option for many people in Virginia who want to plan for the future. They offer a greater level of privacy, flexibility and control than a traditional will while allowing assets to pass to beneficiaries without going through the probate...
Trusts and wills as part of estate planning
Estate planning can be important for people in Virginia who want to make sure that their assets pass on to their heirs in the manner they choose. By making an estate plan, people can allocate their property and also help to avoid future conflict and delays among their...
Powers of Attorney types and purposes
Most people who have never had any experience with estate planning or caring for a sick loved one do not realize that there are multiple types of powers of attorney. Each has its own purpose and rules regarding when it goes into effect, what powers it gives the agent,...
The end of the year is a great time to revisit an estate plan
People are busy. A Virginia resident may juggle many responsibilities as they fight to get to the end of each day. Between holding down a career, taking care of their kids and spouse, managing their home, and handling dozens of other transient tasks they may easily...